Anushka , Rana and Gunashakar's Prestegious film Rudrama Devi just missed the presence of superstar Mahesh babu in its film cast, Director and producer Gunasekhar requested Mahesh babu to do a cameo role in this film asGona Ganna Reddy, the army general of Rudramadevi , And tits rumored that Mahesh babu accepted the offer, But here is the actuall fact comes in, The same role was being done by Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, This is the latest update of this film, which completed 50% of its shoot. Stay tuned to for more updates
Ravi Teja as Gona Ganna Reddy
Anushka , Rana and Gunashakar's Prestegious film Rudrama Devi just missed the presence of superstar Mahesh babu in its film cast, Director and producer Gunasekhar requested Mahesh babu to do a cameo role in this film asGona Ganna Reddy, the army general of Rudramadevi , And tits rumored that Mahesh babu accepted the offer, But here is the actuall fact comes in, The same role was being done by Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, This is the latest update of this film, which completed 50% of its shoot. Stay tuned to for more updates
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