Actor-turned-Politican Pawan Kalyan yet again proved he is a man of golden heart. A day after the missing episode of 24 students of VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology college in Hyderabad, The Jana Sena chief reached the tragedy spot at Beas river in Himachal Pradesh and has been looking after the rescue operations.
After meeting the grief stricken Parents, Pawan Kalyan announced Rs 5 lakh ex-gratia for each of the victims families. That shows his generous nature!
At the time when Opposition Parties who have been demanding Rs 20 ex-gratia for the victims families only to politicize the issue, Pawan Kalyan has risen to the occasion and did his bit instead of complaining or playing cruel political games. If this what he could do when he wasn't in power, Guess what change he could bring once he was asked to lead the people of state. This is why we need more people him to serve the society by entering politics. Hats off to Powerstar one more time!
After meeting the grief stricken Parents, Pawan Kalyan announced Rs 5 lakh ex-gratia for each of the victims families. That shows his generous nature!
At the time when Opposition Parties who have been demanding Rs 20 ex-gratia for the victims families only to politicize the issue, Pawan Kalyan has risen to the occasion and did his bit instead of complaining or playing cruel political games. If this what he could do when he wasn't in power, Guess what change he could bring once he was asked to lead the people of state. This is why we need more people him to serve the society by entering politics. Hats off to Powerstar one more time!
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